A conversation of Earth & Spirit Goddesses

Im so sad. I dont know what to do. Im foggy. I need help. Can you help me?




I am you ! I love you ! faster than speed let’s create some positive action !


Love is like that but it moves us both ways …the best moments of our lives …also holds the power of swift destruction of our hearts life and favorite perception of self ! all I know is that any love high or senses expansion experience . .belongs to each of us alllone! from you the truth and love began its existence and effects of your perceptions . ..never lost never found never borrowed gained or Seperate . ..


it’s just feels so much easier at times when our pure joy is celebrated and shared ! but the grand Eye (I) has no perceptions of other’s nor lack of it’s own selfing


Relax …..trust trust trust


trust YOUR TRUST . …we can never be separate from existing within our enev7dayable forever place of exestince itsSelf!


please express towards my loving ear! alot of times just being able to finally hear your own words….is a magic carpet ride through answering the insatiable unknowable . .. listen honestly I’ve heard some horrendous stories and all I know or remember is that space being held and helped through the alchemy of the liquid emotions . ..that can’t stand their own Demands…and that it’s a rarity not to JUDGE ! but to witness as your same higher potential sight and never stop . .no matter WHAT ! most of the world is scared or depending on peeps like that! I’m just like you sister . ..you natural know what you are and what the value of life is ..your not alone cause you cause too much radic (call) love …it changes us and everything forever . .. we’re just hoping your truest freed flight and that someday we can share your perfect indiviuated light again and it overflows that call to be able to GIVE you the reflection s and moments living gifts back!


Everything else is unauthorized and strictly smoking Crack …on the bottom list! our loved ones that cannot go on with the intamacy of the real…including on our shit list th…that voice more damaging and powerful of all that lives within you…no more punishment . .ask spirit of yourself o give you a break . . .no more abuse . .go to your sweet heart and pour all that love and understanding onto you as the the human girl…u can hear her n feel where another has never had a chance . .we avoid our own revealed


Love you please talk here if you wants ..or I could call ..or send me an email


I’ll show up




You are incredibly amazing my loving sister! You are so right all of that is truth. I have been wreaking havoc on the portals with my subconscious ingenuity by not taking control and regulating my emotions. Me and mother Earth are having a tumultuous experience and im slowly widening the gap between my family and i because i dont want their help. But you truly are my family as well . Theres no question that i have entirely missed my family and am holding onto that memory. Perhaps too much…



I feel stuck. Stagnating. I need to eacape this dark world. I am slowly beginning to. And it is so beautiful that you aare here so i can share. I cant thank you enough. Ive been struggling badly. I wish i couldve told u in person when u were here .. i guess bc u were with strangers, i felt uncomfortable. . I love you so so much. I miss our work. Id love to work with u remotely. And communicate more often. Itll keep me a clear conduit. So i can push forward




thank you! I love the you YOU! please do tune in … 2 that space ? inseparable source sense I’ll meet u in the “field”




Ok sweet mother goddess



Where limitations are not and truth meets face..I AM. very normal behavior I would say . … A human heart? your still a sending and transforming the core souls burdens . .. even if doubt has Leer ed through (the intensity) of being . .. upwards you are growing . .even if the ENERGY of behavior ? has stopped working . .Still the BIGGEST SHE of you holds…I don’t know your pain but on your happiness ALL ONE Rely…not two directions NO! (not right or wrong) but all that IS…together honored…the split duality never began.. and can seem cold or without respond to the secondary free will choice of . .our learned and long created IDEAS of ideal..or Good ..or Alive?…please keep me in asset . ..I LOVE this conversation ings . .and freed energy/body work … just my cup of tea . ..Presence is the eternal offering . . it knows it offers love and relief beyond my minds scene . .




Yes entirely i concur. We feed off of the same joy in liberating our psyches by helping each other tune in and attune to spirit. And in it we are one. That is why we sometimes do what most avatars think is “wrong”. You’re so right. .. it just IS… not good or bad. Ones of our nature become sick and stuck when we cannot express ourselves to others non judgmentally. First hand experience over here. I feel like I’m constantly running away. Like i need 2000 miles between my ego and my self. Like I’m diammetrically separated from my internal source of action. Total split. It’s been a rough few months. And the past ten years of my life ..very very rough. I do know we are warriors and must prevail. It’s just difficult to be when you stand and ride alone. Or at least think or believe it as such. But that’s a falsification of reality. It’s the matrix that separates. The truth is we ARE together. We ARE truth in the most pure form. We are one. We are the guinea pigs of these bodies and must endure. And ensure that we succeed. But sometimes it’s JUST SO HARD. and suicide is a seductress. But suicide is NOT an option . Because….then. …THEY WIN. they’ll never win. As long as we have each other and fight through the dark by simply living and loving the dark as we do the light we shall prevail. I love you so much , I truly do.




such beautiful written consciousness ! a mirror helps aplenty for the backwards inverted scraping ! thanks your so right . …death itself is continually no effect…to BEING especially if the intended release is from what could never contain us …our parts not yet ready or willing to perceive . …the belief . ..to receive . .Namaste true One… of the Wand (ering) Tribal Count (soul)…OM… I’m heading towards father’s light …burst of freed joys delight . .heading towards the energetic legacy of thee.. haha the Llama never stops laughing . .seeing both and all directions . he really doesn’t have to say . ..but just be




Its truly the one and only thing we know. That everything is nothing. And nothing is everything. All encompassing delight. Constantly finding ways to purge the darkness we acquire by letting ourselves become susceptible to the blind absorption pf negative faculties. All we are is beauty. All our countenaces are truths. All our beingness is negotiable. Perhaps too much sometimes. Constantly winding up and winding down and finding the power to flourish while at the same time trying to deprive ourselves of it oyt of guilt. Guilty associations are of the worst kind. All we know is these things as we are raised into depraved sensibilities. We break away and instigate an origin return. To when we knew ourselves to when we were in utero and freer than we were when we were born. I try to avoid mother too often for fear of facing my pain and guilt. Instead just a prisoner coasting to avoid such deep anguish in order to adapt to these earthlings. I cannot be one unless i choose to be. Im slowly rekindling the path of choosing mother to guide me. Its slow. A pendulum effect for such extreme avatars as ourselves. Finally trying to slow down the pendulum to a peaceful loving balance in order to stride on. So difficult is this for our lyran blood. The ancient ones we are. Knowing not what we can become unless we try everything under the sun. Experience. In its most extreme form. I love this conversation.



Most Lovingly,

A conversation of Earth & Spirit Goddesses