Cost: $500 for the individual plus 4 others who are physical or spiritual ‘family’ members as explained in the article. Only one person need be physically present.
Cost: $150 for indivual in the U.S.
Cost: $100 for people overseas, this work can be done long distance as a ‘warm body’ is available here in the US, to a maximum of 5 people.
other energy work – healing sessions:
Below other energy work healing session types, descriptions and prices.
basic session
Includes conceptual vibration; basic overall diagnosis; energy work needed; write-up and diagnosis of herbs needed, dietary restrictions and needs, Bach Flower Essences, essential oils, etc.; and a one year follow-up.
Cost: $150.00
Basic Crystal Imprint Removal
Includes a diagnosis of which past-life eras one was implanted in and one’s purpose in those eras; how many regular crystal implants, Atlantean implants, and military implants one has; where they were located and most heavily implanted; removal of all the various types of crystal implants, and a basic write-up and explanation of each.
Cost: $100.00
Ego Chakra Removal
Includes the removal, a basic write-up and explanation.
Cost: $35.00 when added to another or $55.00 alone
Core Matrix Work
Includes the removal of the Matrix of Polarity, and Matrix of Male and Female (the 2 matrices picked up at birth); and the retrieval of the true individual Matrix of Self.
Cost: $220.00
See sound-encoding below for a less expensive way of achieving almost the same thing
Private Spiritual Counseling Session
Counseling from the Spiritual Hierarchy or individual Masters on anything of a spiritual nature that one may have a question about.
Cost: $40.00 per ½ hour
Three-day Intensive Healing Workshop
Intensive 3-day workshop focusing on the healing of the energetic, physical and emotional self.
Cost: $350.00
Addiction and Personal relationship chakras
Repair or removal depending on the circumstances.
Cost: $75.00
Essential Spiritual Warrior Training
The basics of what is needed to make it through the coming days and be of service to ALL. A full-day training.
Cost: $100 per person