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The Ultimate Secret of the Mayan Calendar an Imploding Cycle of Energy
8. The Ultimate Secret of the Mayan Calendar an Imploding Cycle of
Increase, Culminating in 2012-2013 AD David Wilcock, Research
Director March 2,

With the work of Dr. S.V. Smelyakov and Y. Karpenko on the Mayan
Calendar, we
may well have the "smoking gun" to prove scientifically that a
energetic change is occurring throughout the entire Solar System at
this time,
fostering a crucial link between the local effects on the Sun, Earth
and other
planets and the effects upon the consciousness of humanity. Since
ancient times, all of these prophesied changes have been associated
with the
culmination of a 25,920-year master cycle known as "precession". In
Shift of the
Ages, we demonstrate how this cycle can be seen in the long-term
activity of the
Sun as well as the rotation of the Earth's axis. We also show how the
Calendar cycle, at 5,125 years in length, is exactly one-fifth of the
precession. John Major Jenkins has demonstrated that on Dec. 21,
2012, the
end-date for this cycle, the long-term "precessional" orientation of
the Earth's
axis is perfectly aligned with the center of the galaxy. And now, Dr.
et al. have added dramatic new evidence to the case in their paper
entitled "The
Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Calendar."

Smelyakov's discovery is based on his earlier investigations of the
ratio known
as "phi" or the Golden Section and how it unifies and correlates the
phenomena: all the fundamental phenomena in biology (cell and
rhythms) cyclical events in botany (vegetative cycles, etc.) cycles
in zoology
(counts of head of livestock, number of fishes caught, etc.)
cycles of the weather the physics of the movements of the Sun and the
Earth the
ebb and flow of human emotion as seen in financial market activities
cycle and others) events through history such as wars and levels of
cycles of criminal behavior, earthquakes and other epic natural
disasters cycles
of sudden variation in Carbon-14 radiation content in tree rings
Those who have
studied sacred geometry or read my books and / or others on the
subject are well
aware of the importance of the phi ratio, which has a value of
1.6180339. This
ratio can be easily seen in the relationships between
common "Diatonic" musical
frequencies as well as the natural proportions of growing bacteria
plant life, animal life and the human body. When drawn geometrically,
it appears
as the classic spiral shape that we so often see on the seashells at
the beach.

Furthermore, the importance of phi was enshrined in many ancient
throughout the world. As a ratio, it perfectly balances the forces of
and contraction, which can be demonstrated geometrically or
mathematically, and
its connection to music shows that it is a fundamental characteristic
of the
behavior of vibration. Smelyakov and others assert that the
vibrations of phi
actually ripple through the very "fabric" of time and space itself,
due to its
innate harmonic characteristics. In our upcoming book The Divine
Cosmos, we
explain how Russian scientists have determined that what we
call "space" is not
empty, but is rather filled with an energetic medium that Nikola
Tesla suggested
"behaves as a liquid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and
heat." The
mysteries of the Universe, all the way from the "flat" formation of
the known
Universe to the anomalies of galaxy formation, the structure and
function of our
Solar System and even the world of quantum physics can all be unified
in a single, coherent model once we reintroduce this medium, which
the ancient
Greeks referred to as "aether." As seen in our second book
Convergence III, many
further mysteries of consciousness, life and the existence
of "psychic"
phenomena are explained by aether-based models as well, and the above
list of
"phi"-related cycles certainly adds to what we know that the research
already determined. If we were to vibrate a fluid, then we would see
appear with the simple phi relationship occurring between them.
Similarly, the
phi relationship can be observed in the Universe, such as in the
cycles of our
Solar System. It appears that we have "ripples" of energy in our
Galaxy that we
move through in set intervals of time which are based on phi and
which the
Mayans were well aware of, as we shall see in this article.

Smelyakov has determined that our entire Solar System operates in a
harmonic fashion that he terms "the Solar-Planetary Synchronism,"
(SPS,) and its
values are all related to each other by the phi ratio. This work
allows us to
predict the exact orbit of a hypothetical planet "Proserpine" past
Pluto as
~510.9 years in length [6], as well as unifying the movements of the
Belt and the various cycles of solar activity with all other known
(orbits) in the Solar System. Furthermore, as we said, the same
cycles can be
shown to affect human life and the movement of economic trends as
well. These
connections between various celestial and terrestrial cycles are
discovered by
taking a basic time unit and then expanding or contracting it by
exponential powers of phi, where phi^0 is equal to 1, phi^1 is the
classic ratio
of 1.6180339 and phi^-1 is .618. Overall, Smelyakov calls the various
powers of
phi the "Auric series," and assigns this series the letter F. Thus, F
is a
geometric progression as follows: F = {?phi^-2, phi^-1, phi^0, phi^1,
phi^2, ?},
and this cycle can potentially expand infinitely in either the
negative or
positive direction. So, to see this Solar-Planetary Synchronism in
action, we
begin by taking a given cycle in our Solar System and assign it to
the center of
the Auric series at phi^0. One example would be to take one Earth
year for this
basic cycle. If we were to do so, we then discover that phi^5 is
11.089, which
is very close to the established value of 11.07 Earth years for the
"sunspot cycle."

This example shows us that the standard 11-year sunspot cycle is what
would call the "fifth phi-harmonic" of the Earth's orbit. Obviously,
most people
would not expect there to be any connection between these two cycles,
since the
Sun and the planets are supposedly "separate." In the new model, they
are very
much integrated by the "aether." [11] This is but one of many
examples that show
how our Solar System works as a miraculously unified system, but in
physics models that exclude the existence of an "aether," these
connections are
left unseen or ignored. Smelyakov explains that most of the "phi-
harmonics" that
can be found in the Solar System are based on either the Earth's
orbit of 1 year
or the basic Sunspot cycle of 11.07 years. Either of these cycles can
be used as
the central point upon which to calculate the harmonics of phi. When
this is
done, Smelyakov says that by taking various powers of phi or various
powers of 2
x phi from these "seed" cycles of time, we get "most known basic
periods in
Nature and society from biology to geology, including economical
cycles." Dr.
Smelyakov's literally Earth-shaking discovery involving the Mayan
Calendar cycle
was found by a process similar to the above, where a given time cycle
with a
given start date is then divided into "a sequence of intervals
[within it that
have a] duration decreasing [by phi.]" Here, it is important to
remember that
the entire cycle decreases to a certain final moment at the end of
the cycle.
Even though the "phi"-based series F can theoretically extend
infinitely in
either direction, when you are dealing with a series that is
decreasing in duration, the cycle does converge on one end-point,
representing smaller and smaller intervals of time in that moment.
This would be
the same as how the central point of the spiral on a seashell is
infinite in its imploding "recursiveness," yet you nevertheless can
define where the end of the seashell's spiral is.

What Smelyakov then did was to apply the "Auric series" F on the
Mayan Calendar
cycle. In doing so, that infinitely-converging end point would
cluster around
the Dec. 21, 2012 date. Once this is done, we see that this
imploding "phi"
cycle has clear effects on celestial objects in interplanetary space
and the
behavior of lifeforms in time -- and this might explain why the
Mayans stated
that "time would collapse" at the end of their Calendar cycle. These
have previously been intuitively suggested and explored by the late
McKenna in the "Timewave Zero" model, but there is still controversy
whether his discoveries are indeed scientifically sound. With
additions, any remaining mystery is cleared away and a far more
verifiable model is introduced to support the basic premise of
an "imploding
cycle" centering around 2012-2013. As we said, typically Smelyakov
would take
the value of the Earth's orbit at 1 year or the value of the Sunspot
cycle at
11.07 years and then plug it into the center of the Auric series
[phi^0] to
locate other cycles.

With the Mayan Calendar, the same process was performed, except that
the total
length of the Mayan Calendar at 5,125.3661 years was used as the
central time
unit for the Auric series, and the various "harmonics" of phi, in
years, were
then calculated. The commonly-agreed start time of August 6-13, 3113
BC was used
as the origin of the cycle. And indeed, Smelyakov found "abrupt world-
changes" at each of the cycle hit-points that were determined by this

The overall set of categories that Smelyakov correlated to the Auric
series are
as follows: Global natural cataclysms [on Earth] and phenomena in
[supernovas of nearby stars within our own Galaxy]; The coming of
Great Teachers
of humanity, as well as outstanding philosophers and scientists; The
originations of calendars (as systems for measuring Time/Space);
trends (specified by the population of China as an indicator of world
The formation and interaction of worldwide religious/philosophical
systems and
states; Overall, we can see that we have a combination of cataclysmic
with overall effects in population, and in the quality of spiritual
consciousness of humanity as seen by the coming of great teachers,
and scientists as well as the formation and interaction of new
religious and
philosophical systems. Thus, when a cycle that has demonstrable
connections to
spiritual consciousness is then seen to converge in our near future
to an "Omega
Point" of greatest energetic intensity, there is compelling evidence
that this
event shall correspond to a major change in human consciousness at
large. This
would then appear to be the literal fulfillment of the various
prophecies of
Ascension from many various spiritual traditions, Christianity

DEMOGRAPHICS In order to give a complete background to the studies of
and neatly show the overall ebb and flow of population levels and
centers, Smelyakov focuses on the population [demographical]
statistics for
China, since they have accurate census data that has remained
unbroken for more
than 2,000 years. Indeed, he found that all of the most important
changes in China clustered quite precisely around the "hit points" as
by the Auric Series of the Mayan Calendar. The overall phases of
civilization as
seen in the Auric cycle development include: 1. Prolonged processes of
condensation of centers of civilization; 2. Relatively short periods
of founding
of new cultures in some of the above centers; 3. Violent flourishing
expansion of the new cultures separated from the "parents"; 4. Rapid
unexpected decay and contracting or disappearing of the "parent"
Since these effects are already well-established, we can indeed
expect "a lot of
global surprises" in socio-political arenas in the next few years. Two
"bifurcation points" of extreme change in 2003 and 2008 have been
from ''s studies of more local cycles of planetary movement as well
as the
statistically-estimated timing of the most significant population
changes in
China. There is no doubt that dramatic changes have already come into
view since
the publication of Smelyakov's work in 1999. The accuracy of his cycle
predictions are further enhanced by the fact that in December 2000,
he correctly
pinpointed the Sept. 11th date (within a ten-day window surrounding
Sept. 16th)
as an "extremely dangerous" time for humanity, associated with
airplane or other
crashes, economic failures and warfare. [7, 8, 9] Even the nations
involved in
the problem, including the USA, Israel and Afghanistan, were included
in is
prediction, which was mentioned in The Mountain Astrologer magazine.

EARTHQUAKES Smelyakov also demonstrates the correlation between the
Auric Time
Series of the Mayan Calendar and major earthquakes. Prior to the 20th
there was no Richter scale for measurement, and the severity of a
quake was only
mentioned by the number of deaths that it created. The National
Information Center of Russia has listed the top 21 most destructive
in the world from 856 AD to the present, and all of them occur during
one of the
"cycle hit points." Furthermore, the "imploding" nature of the cycle
is seen by
the fact that out of a total of 21 earthquakes, fully 9 of them
occurred in the
20th century. This strongly suggests that conventional methods of
prediction and analysis need to be abandoned and a more
unified "aetheric" view

CONCLUSION Dr. Smelyakov et al.'s study shows that the Mayan
Calendar, once
properly understood, is not seen as simply a linear cycle of time but
also as a
focal point for an exponential "imploding" cycle of time based on
phi. Based on
our upcoming published research, we feel that this cycle delineates
our movement
through areas of progressively higher aetheric vibration in the
Galaxy. Each
time we move into a new layer where the vibration of the "zero-point
medium of space increases, there are direct, dramatic physical
effects. This
cycle has directly caused the last three geomagnetic pole inversions
on Earth, a
reliable succession of extremely powerful earthquakes and the
triggering of
"supernova" star explosions in nearby areas of our own Galaxy. Almost
religious teaching in the world originated during one of the cycle
including Krishna, Vyasa, Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, Fu-Si, Lao-tzu,
Pythagoras, Plato et al. and Christianity. Practically all known
civilizations created calendars during these times as well, including
India, Iran, Babylon, Egypt, Maya, et cetera. And now with the work
of Dr.
Aleskey Dmitriev , we have also seen how the entire Solar System is
signs of an ever-increasing energetic charge. It is utterly
remarkable that the
Maya would be able to encode this cycle so clearly into their
Calendar, with its
connections not only to the linear phenomenon of precession but to an
exponential phenomenon based on "phi" that has such clear energetic
effects on
both the material plane and the arena of consciousness. It is even
remarkable that this cycle would ratchet forward with ever-increasing
into the moment wherein the Earth's precessional position is in
alignment with the center of our Galaxy. The mysteries of how and why
all these
cycles relate will be unveiled and integrated in our upcoming final
book, The
Divine Cosmos. By combining the effects of geo-cosmic change with the
flourishing of humanity in the cultural and spiritual sense, we see
that as the
cycle continues to exponentially accelerate its energetic rate of
vibration into
the 2012-2013 "singularity," we can expect ever-more rapid increases
in human
awareness, leading up to a discontinuous mega-event where "time and
collapse" as we know it. We believe that there is no reason to fear
this change,
as what we are moving towards is a literal shift in the basic
characteristics of
matter, energy and consciousness. In our second article on this
website entitled
"A Scientific Blueprint for Ascension," we have demonstrated a
between these energetic changes and the evolution of life on Earth.

The work of Dr. Vladimir Poponin, Dr. Glen Rein and others show us
that our DNA
is actually an energetic "field effect" that appears to be an innate
characteristic of the "vibrations" of space-time now around us. As
these outer
energetic changes occur, there are changes in life as well -- and as
demonstrated in Convergence III, once these energy increases reach a
threshold there is a literal transformation of matter into a
higher "density" or
dimension of energy, thus rendering it invisible to those in our
own "third
density" or dimension. Though this seems quite impossible to believe,
there are
ample cases of human disappearance and / or invisibility and other
effects on matter in the presence of high-intensity energetic fields.
includes "vortex" effects such as those documented in the Bermuda and
Triangles, as well as lesser-known anomalies associated with
tornadoes. From our
research, it appears that the Ancients knew of this coming time quite
well, and
referred to it as the dawning of a Golden Age for humanity, the likes
of which
have never before been imagined. All of us are being given an
opportunity to
experience a collective initiation, as Gregg Braden would say,
wherein we have
the choice to move out of fear and into trust that the prophecies
given to us
are indeed accurate.
