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The Tree of Life Dies
The Tree of Life Dies
by Peter Farley

This chapter is titled ?The Tree Dies? simply because as the planet ascends, so much of the old growth will die with it. A new Tree of Life will emerge, one which is not riddled with parasitic infestations and not choked by vines or by serpents or any other kind of creature that it will not allow it to breathe. The old shall wither away and a bright, shiny new planet shall emerge-one that is ready for resettlement, one that is ready to be loved and stewarded, not owned or harnessed like a slave to the Will of Man. Like the catch-phrase from 2001-A Space Odyssey says - ?Something wonderful is going to happen! Something wonderful!? Do not be attached to anything of the old, for it shall be an anchor around your Being in the coming ascension process.

Do not make the mistake of Lot?s wife and look back - only look forward into the endless series of Nows to come. Together, the new planet and its inhabitants shall rise to new heights of spirituality, new adventures in learning in the greater body of the FATHER.

?He turned one last time to Grandfather and said, ?This will be the first sign. There will come starvation before and after this starvation, but none will capture the attention of the world with such impact as does this one. The Children of the Earth will know the lessons that are held in all this pain and death, but the world will only see it as drought and famine, blaming Nature instead of itself.? With that the old one disappeared, and Grandfather found himself back at the mouth of the Eternal Cave.

?It is then in the years of the first sign, that man can change the course of the probable future. It is then that he may understand the greater lessons of the famine and the disease. It is then that there can still be hope. But once the second sign of destruction appears, the Earth can only be healed on a spiritual level. Only a spiritual healing can then change the course of the probable futures of mankind. With that the warrior spirit let Grandfather fall into a deep and dreamless sleep, allowing him to rest fully before any more Vision was wrought upon him.

?. . . It was through one of these wounds that Grandfather saw the floating bodies of dolphins, accompanied by tremendous upheavals of the Earth and of violent storms.

?As he held fast to the trembling Earth his eyes fell from the sky, and all about him, all at once, was disaster. Piles of garbage reached to the skies, forests lay cut and dying, coastlines flooded, and storms grew more violent and thunderous. With each passing moment the Earth shook with greater intensity, threatening to tear apart and swallow Grandfather.?

These are the words of Stalking Wolf, prophet, from the book Grandfather by Tom Brown. The visions Stalking Wolf sees as a result of our failure to heed earlier warnings are true, and are coming. It is too late for US to heal the planet. So now it must heal itself. The Earth speaks:

?My dearest children,
Know always how dearly you are loved by That which has tried to give you comfort and nurture, just as you are always so dearly loved by that which created you. The problem now is that you have chosen to be a spoiled child, much as has been reflected in the children you yourselves have chosen to breed and to raise, and who themselves now take so much of their world for granted and without giving in return.

It is you who have chosen to call me Mother, and as a good Mother it is time for me to rein in this disturbing behavior before you and all your kind destroy that which in fact supports you and is necessary for your very existence here upon the physical plane. Mothers these days are those who are most likely to suffer from chronic fatigue. This dis-ease is the result of a person having given so much of themselves away that they no longer have anything left to give, having saved nothing of who they themselves are for their own nurturance.

Your Earth Mother is feeling exactly this same way. I have allowed you to take, and take, and to take, without you ever once giving back to me, responding with the same kind of unconditional love I have shown you, and which has always been needed to support all life on this planet. You have taken the unconditional love of your mother until you have bled her dry of all the love left to preserve herself.

In order for her to survive, She now needs to take the next step in her own evolution. This is the ascension into a higher dimensional state which will allow her to be reborn and to again be renewed so that once more she will be able to again support a higher dimensional form of life. This is not a desertion of her children or of her Motherly duties. It is simply a necessary step in her own re-evolution back to the ?source of all that which is.? In order to support her children, a mother must be able to support and maintain herself in a form which is nourishing both to herself and to her children.

The coming Earth changes which have been written about so extensively if you have bothered to keep track of your own future, are indeed a very real fact for the very near future-a future which will cause you all much concern and distress should you not take this opportunity to avail yourself of this forewarning. These changes are not meant to hurt you or display anything less than the greatest love I feel for you as my children.

However, they are a necessary step in the cleansing of my own inner being in order to take this most wonderful and exciting step back toward the home from which I too once came. It is a journey of great significance for Us all if we choose to be aware of it and take those necessary steps which will advance our own consciousness towards the blending with that which is Eternal.

Life for Me is a matter of creation, of birth, of life and of eventual death (as you would call it). Planetary and galactic lifeforms have their existence much the same as you do in a corporeal substance which has a limited duration in terms of existence on the lower planes. WE too, however, have eternal existence in the grander scheme of things. Indeed as those who are most in tune with the planetary consciousness which I represent have said, We are all indeed One, and in that oneness we all have coexistence. It is only asked of us that we respect all life as if it were ourselves, for in fact it is.

You have not done this, as many chances and wake-up calls as you have been given. As many signs and advance warnings as have been offered, you have chosen to follow your own will blindly with little or no regard for the planet upon which you live, or for the Higher Good. Nor have you been willing to think about the others who share this most wonderful and colorful of all spaces with you, nor for the future generations of those who would come after you.

Some of you have sought to blame the greater influences of control which have shaped your history and which now seek to totally control you and all things which exists upon this planet, and indeed in this entire corner of the Universe at this time. It has been a difficult struggle for you without the full knowledge of your own glorious birth in the FATHER, and to all the wonders of the Universe to which you have not been privy.

Still, this is not to say that the information has not been available to you, each and every one, either through the wisdom of your own hearts or through the sharing of the knowledge by those who have been sent to guide you through this maze of the third dimensional world. Personal responsibility for what is taking place has not been taken by the masses as they have submitted willingly to being led by what was most easy and which offered them the path of least resistance. That is as it may be the scenario which has led you to the precipice upon which you now stand as a people and as individuals. What will now take place is the offering to you of a choice for the individual consciousness that longs to break free of the slave mentality which has driven you to this point. It is a mentality which has now led you, much as my other children the Lemmings, to march to your own doom without question. The only thing left is your individual choice of whether you will follow me into this wonderful state of higher dimension where life will once again begin anew, or whether you will choose to follow your attachments to physical things and lead a life separate from me in a new and very much less wonderful place than I have tried to provide for you.

Again, the choice now is yours individually. It is time for me to kick you out of your warm and comfortable nests and see if you have the strength to fly on your own, or whether you will fall to the ground wounded and crippled by your own inability and lack of desire to ascend to the heights of your own eternal being.

BE WARNED: What you are now seeing taking place on the planet are not just the usual grumblings and moanings of an Earth in a constant state of flux. They are indeed a warning, an escalation of the self-cleansing of my Being which MUST take place in order for me to make this ascension in and of myself.
Time is growing short and your Earthly comforts will not remain for very much longer. If you are not able to, or not physically strong enough to grow and adapt with these changes, then you will not be able to remain here for very much longer. It will come time for you to leave, and indeed, many of you will be leaving at this time as the critical leap comes closer. My beloved children, the Mayans, tried to warn you long ago of these events and left for you the warning inherent in their calendar that the year 2012--2013 will see this most wonderful of occasions taking place. The process has already begun and will not, and cannot, now be reversed. This is the decision of the spiritual hierarchy, THOSE who have given their wards many opportunities and examples of how to change their ways. Now it is only those who can and will make this quantum leap who will survive this process intact in order to be with me in the higher state in order that My Being may be restored and life may again be welcome upon my surface.

There is not much more that I can say, only that you are loved, that you ALL are loved and cherished beyond your physical or emotional capacity to understand. Nothing which is to happen should be taken as anything less than an attempt to move all of Creation to the next step in its fulfillment. It is not personal. It is only LOVE incarnate.

I am and always will be your protector and your defender, and your most eternal loving Mother Being.?
