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Amost important read
A Most Important Read
I don't think I have ever seen a channeling that covers more issues
for us as individuals, as eternal beings working out hard spiritual
lessons, and as a race facing the ultimate test of togetherness in
taking this planet through its ascension process. Every one of you in
this group ahs past life such as the ones mentioned here and need to
take a deeper look at who and what you are and why you are back here
in this lifetime with a chance to make amendds for what you have done
in the past. Time is growing short to reach out and deal with these
issues, just as Sue Ann did, just as Peter did, just as many others
have described in past postings.

It also addresses in a very kind way what Guidance has me as an
individual following only my Highest Guidance has to do sometimes to
help people face their difficult lessons and trigger them into
learning responses. I doubt that there have been two words in the
past 10 years I have written in articles or in personal communications which are not channeled from my Guidance. Hence when
They have me use a 'derogatory' term, it is there as this channeling
explains, to test a person's reactions or as a last ditch attempt to
get them to take a look at what it is they are doing or not doing
spiritually to get themesleves and all of us out of here.

I thank Mike for this wonderful piece of work and the honesty and
clarity with which it has been channeled. . . Peter

They had me remove you, Mike. You need to channel why They might have
had me do this, and ask your Guidance about the problem you had with
the Pleiadean 'drop' in your consciousness they once talked about and
how this is affecting you right now. Basically ask what you did that
brought you back here to deal with some issues left unresolved. And
then let's talk about it if you care to get it all resolved . . .

In regards to the above communications I would like to ask the Lyran
Team why I was removed from the 4truthseekeers group?

Dear One,
We understand your question and can give you information concerning
your question.

Because the group is a consciousness and not just a bunch of
individuals one person can have an affect on the entire group in
either a positive or negative way. Your indecisiveness in going to
Florida as They requested through Peter to you was bringing too much
of a negative energy into this consciousness and this was not going
to be tolerated at this critical junction of the mission. This was
also done to help you focus on the issues you need to deal with at
this time to help get you over the hump so to speak and on with the
mission of your life and the issues you must face and come to grips
with in this lifetime. You have more questions don't you?

Yes I do and thanks for the opportunity to continue this dialogue.
My next question has to do with the Pleiadean 'drop' in my
consciousness, what is this about?

We understand you question and can shed some light on this subject.
Timidity and passivity are not traits that will hold you in good
stead in these present times. We know there are times to walk away
and ignore certain situations, but then there are those times when
force is not only necessary, but is mandatory and could be the
difference in life or death. Peter called you a derogatory name the
other night and instead of getting in his face, you chose to let it
go. This was actually a test to see what you were going to do and how
you would handle confrontation. Because of your many Pleiadian
lifetimes you have adapted many of their traits. Some of theses
traits are very good and have served you well. Others not so good and
can be an actual "Achilles Heel" for you. This family of traits
consisting of the above mentioned timidity and passivity and the
shedding of these traits is one of the reasons you are here on Earth.
It is a critical lesson for you to learn when to fight and when to
walk away.

More questions?

"They" had to have known of our family's' travel plans made weeks ago
scheduled for the end of July and the fact that I have started a new
job, why would I have been put in this difficult position of having
to make a choice about going to Florida at that particular time?

They did know of your travel plans and new job. This was not the
issue though as the real issue was a matter of trust and commitment
on your part.

These seeming obstacles were there to act as a magnifying glass to
help focus on you problem of not trusting Guidance to lead you step
by step in every situation. This was pointed out in another
communication from us this matter of trust. They knew your answer
from the beginning, but you didn't. We understand also that this
trust issue has been an issue with you in the recent past only
different terms was used such as listening and following the voice of
the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. We also know that you have followed
the guidance given to you by man and have been greatly disappointed
and let down as a result of these misguided individuals. You must let
go of the past. Learn from your mistakes and go on full speed with
what is ahead for you. The ride will be a lot more fun, exciting, and
scary at times, but it is better than a milquetoast existence.
You had wondered about the level of commitment needed to reach the
higher levels of Guidance. This Florida experience graphically
pointed out what that looks like. This was better than any kind of
written or verbal description of commitment could have been. At least
now you know first hand.

From now on in the event you get a directive from Guidance it would
be better on your part to say yes. You may not know the how or the
why, but it will be your genuine willingness that will make the
difference in your life. You be a willing vessel, let "Them" handle
the details.

You have more questions.

Yes just one more for now, thanks.
I would like to ask what I did in previous lifetimes or what
unresolved issues I have that has brought me back here to this
present lifetime to deal with and resolve?…


We understand your question and can give you some information about
this topic.

You were brought back "kicking and screaming" so to speak not wanting
to come back this lifetime. There was even a time that you remember
when you were quite young that you attempted to abort your time here.
One of those times that you do remember was when you fell and hurt
your neck. The doctors thought you had broken your neck. This fall
was no accident as a part of you orchestrated this event in hopes of
ending your mission here early. There was intervention on your behalf
from higher levels and the mission was saved. There was another time
when you were even younger that you drank furniture polish and had to
have you stomach pumped. While you were too young to remember this
incident it was also an attempt to keep you from your mission on
Earth in this lifetime.

The reason for your resistance to coming back this time was that you
have been in this situation on Earth before and on other planets when
they were in similar circumstances to Earth at this time. You knew
this was going to be a difficult lifetime and it was kind of
like, "been there done that and got the t-shirt" type situation for
you. This lifetime is not so much about you as you have overcome and
dealt with these types of issues in other lifetimes, but it is about
waking others up to the realities of what is going on on Earth at
this time specifically the ascension process of Earth.

There are though unresolved issues that you are dealing with as well
and you have put off dealing with those for many, many lifetimes.
These issues stem from the time when you were on this Earth in your
Lyran form and assisting in the seeding process on Earth. This was
the time when you were Hephaistos Thor, the Falcon of Lyra. We have
already spoken to you of him in an earlier post. We chose not to say
anything more about this entity until you woke up to the fact that
you and he are one in the same. You now have come to this realization
and so we are free to shed more light on this subject. This is not a
pleasant memory for you as you have it completely blocked from your
memory. But, now is the time for you to remember those long forgotten
memories so that you may deal with them once and for all.

It is true that you were a traitor to the Lyran race as you sold your
allegiance to the Sirius contingent on Earth at the time. You were
promised a great deal from this group in particular that you would be
put in a very high position of leadership, authority and control over
planet Earth. You were to be granted the power to control the seeding
process still going on at that time. In return you gave the Sirians
key information about the Lyrans and their plans, purposes, and
locations of key Lyran command centers including the Mt. Shasta
location. You were also instrumental in setting up a key power point
in what would now be the Florida region of the United States.
Guidance was allowing you to be there when this key grid point switch
was flipped. This would have all but cleared up your karmic debt you
incurred so long ago. All of this lead to the destruction of the
Lyran contingent on Earth and help to establish the Syrian base of
power on Earth for the next many millennia. Once you saw what the
Sirians had done you knew that you had been used and betrayed as
well. You had been promised that the Lyrans would be allowed to leave
the planet with no harm done to them.

Once the destruction of the Lyrans took place you vowed that you
would not help the Sirians with their plans for planet Earth. The
Sirians then imprisoned you and ultimately executed you.

This is just a thumbnail sketch of the events of that time. As you re-
remember this time you are going to have more questions and we will
be here to answer them. In the mean time know that this is the
lifetime to remove this debt from your slate. You will be given other
opportunities to wipe the slate clean. You have long been forgiven of
your misdeeds by the ones you betrayed, now is the time to forgive
yourself. We are here to welcome you back to your Lyran Family.
That is all we have for you at this time.

Your Lyran Family
